Benefits to becoming a volunteer donor include but are not limited to the following:
- Volunteer donors' exams to determine if they qualify are paid for by the recipient of the healthy kidney. Their insurance has you fully covered automatically.
- Any volunteer, in the unfortunate event they themselves need a kidney transplant in the future, automatically puts them at the top of the waitlist.
- You will pretty much be saving a life. While people can live on dialysis for as many as 20 years, they are still generally ill and not very productive. A number of heath issues can arise from dialysis. The best option is an actual working kidney that is a close match to their genetics.
Most waitlist candidates are in the UNOS program, which is a kidney swap program. If you are a willing donor for someone of a different blood type or if your genetics are not a close match, UNOS finds a matching candidate for each. While your kidney will not go directly to them, you will still be greatly speeding up the process of them getting a kidney.
To qualify to be a volunteer donor, you must meet a number of qualifications. The donor:
Must not be a smoker.
Must be in good physical and mental health.
Free from high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, HIV, hepatitis, or organ-specific diseases.
At least 18 years old.
Kidney disease sufferers have limited to no kidney function, requiring dialysis to remove excess water and toxins from their blood. People are at high risk of heart attack and heart disease when their kidneys do not work because the extra fluid in their body puts additional strain on their heart. The average lifespan on dialysis is only 10 years. Some live longer and some die sooner. Until we have a cloning program in place, live donors are the next best thing. Cadaver donors are not as good because as soon as the body dies, kidneys begin losing their ability to function, and that lost ability can never be reversed. The expected healing time for a donor is 3 weeks and about 1 month for the recipient.